
  • REST (Reference Electrode Standardization Technique)


    REST (Reference Electrode Standardization Technique) is a software for translating multichannel continuous and event-related EEG recordings with reference at any a physical point on body surface or the post-processed data referenced at average or linked e 详细 >>
  • 脑器交互学(Bacomics)


    The brain is the most important organ of the human body, and the conversations between the brain and an apparatus can not only reveal a normally functioning or a dysfunctional brain but also can modulate the brain. Here, the apparatus may be a nonbiologic 详细 >>
  • Scale-free Brain Music


    Music is a form of art, which is from the brain and simultaneously affects the brain. To great research interest, the relationships between music and human have been concerned in both science fields and art fields. The electroencephalogram(EEG) can monit 详细 >>
  • WeBrain EEGPipe


    WeBrain EEGPipe is a companion piece of WeBrain (offline version of WeBrain pipeline tools) developed by MATLAB. For novice users, it provides easy-to-use pipeline GUI for batch preprocessing large-scale EEG datasets on local personal computers (ALL in On 详细 >>
  • Neuroscience Information Toolbox (NIT)

    2015-06-04 [Latest version: V1.2_20171018]

    Neuroscience Information Toolbox is a convenient toolkit for EEG-fMRI multimodal fusion, fMRI data preprocessing and analyzing. Using the NIT to analyze your data, you can do: ♦ Batch processing of the fMRI data analysis; ♦ Data preprocessing based on S 详细 >>
  • Epilepsy Related Work


    Epilepsy is the name of a brain disorder characterized predominantly by recurrent and unpredictable interruptions of normal brain function, called epileptic seizures. According to the characteristics of seizures and clinical manifestations, it can be div 详细 >>
  • Spatio-Temporal Consistency


    Brain is amazing. We may understand the brain function spatio-temporally as we understand the time and space. Here, we hypothesized that the local functional brain consistency could contain two aspects: a temporal correlation between voxels and a local sp 详细 >>
  • eigenspace maximal information Canonical Correlation Analysis (emiCCA)


    Many important problems in the analysis of neuroimages can be formulated as discovering the relationship between two sets of variables, such as the relations between the X matrix comprising the time courses of a spatial independent component analysis (spa 详细 >>
  • Causal Inference Based on the Analysis of Events of Relations


    The main concept behind causality involves both statistical conditions and temporal relations. However, various current approaches to causal inference, focusing on probability vs. conditional probability, are based on model functions or parametric estimat 详细 >>
  • EEG Network Analysis (ENA) system based on Matlab GUI


    [latest version: ENA_toolbox_v1.1_20200110] Based on Electroencephalogram (EEG), neuroimaging technologies and network analysis approaches are widely used to discover the brain's secret. Also it has many a time been regarded an important role for developm 详细 >>
  • Neuroimaging-Based Classification of Subtypes (NBCS)


    In the processing of neuroimaging data, a large number of data with different characteristics are often processed and the data is divided according to different requirements. In response to this problem, we have developed an integrated software package to 详细 >>
  • Noise-Assisted Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition (NA-MEMD)


    Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)-based approaches have been popularized in biosignal processings such as Electroencephalograph (EEG), Electromyography (EMG), and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) 详细 >>
  • 【图书】神经信息学基础(四川省2015年图书出版重点规划项目)


    该书由神经信息教育部重点实验室的一线科技工作者集体撰写而成,书中实例多取自撰写者的相关研究成果。书中内容可供脑与认知神经科学、生物医学工程、生物物理、神经电生理、医学成像、生物数学、图像处理等方面的科研人员阅读或作为有关的研究生教材.... 详细 >>
  • 【图书】癫痫磁共振成像研究


    该书以作者相关科研工作为基础,系统地介绍了癫痫、磁共振成像的基础以及在癫痫中利用常规脑结构成像、脑弥散张量成像、同步EEG-fMRI成像、静息态脑功能成像及神经认知功能成像等技术的研究成果。内容深入浅出,兼顾了基本概念和理论方法的系统性和临床科研的实用性。内容可供神经病学、生物医学工程、脑成像、神经生理学等方面的科研人员、医生、教师和研究生学习和参考.... 详细 >>
  • 【图书】脑功能探测的电学理论与方法


    简介:了解大脑,认识人类自身是当前科技界的一个前沿交叉领域。从工程科学的角度探测、分析和模仿大脑的功能是近年的一个研究热点。现有的脑功能探测手段包括:正电子发射断层成像技术(PET),功能磁共振成像技术(MRI),脑电图(EEG)和脑磁图(NEG)等。这些技术各有特点,其中脑电的特点是,既能用于研究外来刺激下的功能反应,也能用来研究自发的功能状态,且是一种完全无创、无危险和费用相对低廉的方法。本书以作者近十年中开展的有关研究工作为基础,并结合近年研习的部分文献资料写成。该书力图系统地展示脑功能探测电学方法 详细 >>